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USB Interfaces

The following USB Interfaces are exposed to the Host, broadly based on the hardware modules provided by the PIC32MM0256GPM028.

ID Name Description
0 Core Device-, pin- and configuration-related functions, such as GPIO, interrupt-on-change, etc.
3 USB USB (Universal Serial Bus) information, such as Debug Accessory Mode detection and general status.
4 I2C I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) bus functions.


Each HID interface has its own set of IN and OUT Reports and the IDs can overlap. However, there are some generic reports that are consistent across all interfaces:

Report ID Direction Description
0x01 IN Command Acknowledgement

Reports are categorised as IN, Interrupt IN and OUT:

Direction Description
IN The Host can request the report via a standard USB Get_Report transaction.
Interrupt IN The device sends the report to the Host, possibly in response to a previous command or as a notification of an external or periodic event.
OUT The Host sends the report to the device.